Mobile Commerce Growth For Business

Mobile Commerce Growth For Business

Shopping via mobile apps will continue to rise. As mentioned above, the share of mobile commerce.

What is Mobile Commerce?

  • Augmented Reality (AR) Mobile commerce faces the same problem as e-commerce: customers.
  • For the store owners, too, this would mean an increase in sales, resulting in a mature ecosystem. Definitely, the mobile commerce domain is going to see a massive transition from its current model.

Mobile commerce (alternately known as m commerce or m-commerce) is the browsing, buying, and selling of products and services on mobile devices such as cellphones or tablets. In other words, it's a complete online shopping experience, but with all the convenience of being on a cellphone or tablet.

Mobile Commerce (M-Commerce) Statistics

M-commerce is booming, and not showing any signs of slowing down. Within the next two years, it is expected that the majority of purchases will be completed using mobile devices.

  • 96% of Americans own a cellphone (Source: Pew Research Center
  • 8 out of 10 Americans shop on their mobile devices (Source: Pew Research Center
  • Mobile commerce is expected to outpace non-mobile commerce in 2021 (Source:Statista
  • Mobile digital advertising spend is nearly double that of desktop advertising spend—$71B was spent on mobile advertising in 2018, while only $37B was spent on desktop. (Source:
  • On Black Friday of 2018, 66% of shopping was done on mobile devices (Source:PixelUnion

Types of Mobile Commerce

Amazon E Commerce Growth

Mobile commerce doesn't just refer to buying a product online—it includes all purchase decision behaviors made using a mobile device.

The different types of mobile commerce include:

  • Browsing products online using a mobile device
  • Searching for specific products online using a mobile device
  • Reading product reviews or viewing product comparisons on a mobile device
  • Purchasing app-economy services (such as rideshare or food delivery apps)
  • Purchasing or renting digital content (paid apps, video, music, etc.) on a mobile device
  • Interacting with branded apps (such as the Amazon shopping app) on a mobile device
  • Mobile banking
  • Mobile retail payments (such as Samsung Pay or Apple Pay)
  • Mobile person-to-person payments (such as Venmo or the Cash app)

With the rise of mobile technology, it is becoming less valuable to think about what is mobile commerce and what isn't—almost all types of commerce, from shopping to investing, are already being done on mobile. As such, much of the discussion around mobile commerce focuses on user experiences when engaging in mobile commerce.

The Future of Mobile Commerce

The most prominent trend of mobile commerce is its market share growth. M-commerce spending in 2018 totalled 501 billion, expected to grow to 740B by 2023:

Source: Statista

Another trend in m-commerce is that customers desire more information on mobile websites. Studies show that 80% of smartphone users want more product information when shopping on their mobile devices. A large part of m-commerce's appeal may be convenience, but if that convenience comes at the sacrifice of information, customers will be sure to look elsewhere. Make sure to include all of the information available on your desktop pages in a mobile-friendly format—accordion menus and dropdowns can help control page length.

The last big trend, by far, is the rise of tablet commerce. Much of it has to do with the nature of tablets themselves. With their larger screens and portability, tablets make it easier to navigate mobile ecommerce websites. With these features, it's no surprise that 55% of tablet owners use their tablets for online shopping, whereas only 28% of smartphone owners shop on that device.

With all its growing clout, m-commerce is the rising star of the ecommerce world. By understanding it and keeping tabs on where it's going, business owners put themselves in the best position to take advantage of all m-commerce has to offer.

Retail customers are no longer tied to a physical location to buy what they need – in fact, they’re not even tied to a desktop computer to buy things online. Mobile devices offer the freedom of shopping anywhere and better payment flexibility. This is becoming a key revenue driver for many businesses, and in fact, many start-ups are growing up out of the notion that more people prefer to do their shopping and service ordering on the go for greater flexibility.

Mobile Commerce Growth For Business Grants

Mobile commerce is just a subset of e-commerce. M-commerce refers to just about any type of payment being facilitated through a mobile app or device. It can be paying for something in-store using a mobile app or using the Amazon app to buy something online. Overall, m-commerce has grown to be a significant part of retail sales and payment; in 2017 alone, over 34% of e-commerce sales were mobile transactions.

Here are some examples to explain m-commerce and how it’s used.

  • In-app purchases
  • Mobile banking
  • Virtual marketplaces like Amazon or Etsy apps
  • Digital wallets, including Apple Pay and Android Pay
  • Delivery apps like Postmates, GrubHub, and Instacart
  • Apps with a bill pay feature, like mobile car insurance apps
  • Stock trading apps
Mobile commerce growth for business development

Smart, deliberate mobile commerce strategies are becoming increasingly important to improve the customer experience and boost engagement.

The importance of a strong Mobile commerce strategy

Since more business is being conducted through mobile devices, businesses need to make sure that a good portion of their marketing and sales strategy is specifically designed to help boost mobile engagement and improve customer interactions to strengthen customer retention.

Best Mobile Commerce Strategies for Your Business

Here are some of the best mobile commerce strategies to consider.

1. Prioritize app development

Mobile Commerce Growth For Business

If your business doesn’t have a dedicated app to help customers perform research and serve as a purchase platform, this might be an area worth prioritizing. One of the most effective ways to improve mobile commerce strategies is to create an app that enables better, more direct customer interaction.

2. Consider design

Mobile-optimized content is key, but the design goes beyond that. Not only should emails and landing pages always be designed to display well in mobile, how a customer will be interacting with the mobile screen should also be considered as part of the design. Will any parts of the design be blocked by a scrolling thumb? Are the buttons large enough to press on a phone screen?

3. Don’t forget SEO

SEO counts everywhere. Make sure that your app content – including the app description in the app store – are optimized to be easily found by your audience.

4. Simplify service

Using SMS or text messaging customer service has proven to be a huge driver of mobile customer engagement. Freshly, a food delivery subscription service recently launched a premium version of the service that includes dedicated text message customer service. SMS customer service gives on-the-go mobile users the ability to chat with a customer service rep as easily as anyone else and resolve problems from wherever they need to be. It makes sense that if purchases can be completed using the screen of a mobile device, customer service for that business should be just as simple.

5. Streamline checkout

This applies to in-store and in-app purchase. Users who have the option to pay digitally in the store will have a more convenient and positive experience. With in-app purchases, Amazon has perfected this with their “one-touch checkout” that only requires a swipe to confirm a stored payment.

6. Use push notifications creatively

One of the benefits of having a native app installed on users’ devices is that it can drive notifications to the home screen of a phone or tablet, immediately sharing info with a customer. These notifications are more impactful and immediate than an email or retargeting banner. For instance, if a customer uses your app to shop you can send an automatic “abandoned cart” notification to encourage or remind a customer to complete their purchase.

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7. Keep it short and simple

Mobile Commerce Growth For Business

Marketing and advertising are still a crucial part of developing your customer outreach in mobile commerce strategies. You might have created a beautiful, user-friendly app to help your customers connect with the solutions they want, but if nobody knows about your business, who will ever interact with the app? That’s why making sure that some of your m-commerce focus gets funneled to not just creating the best possible m-commerce experience, but also to driving brand awareness. When it comes to creating mobile-specific ads as part of your mobile commerce strategies, keep your messages short and direct. You only have a few moments to capture customer attention as they’re scrolling, so high-impact, attention-grabbing images and clear CTAs are crucial.

Mobile Commerce Pdf

M-commerce will only grow as an important and significant business unit. Developing effective mobile commerce strategies takes time and creativity, but these tips can serve as a jumping-off point for developing places to improve.